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Gordon’s 2013 Schedule




        Southwest US Evangelists Retreat — Salt Lake City

        February 4-6

        Teach on subject of “Speak To Men For Their Strengthening”

        Los Angeles International Church of Christ 

        March 18-21

        All-Church Ministry Training t

        Subject: “Paul: the Man, His Message and Ministry”

       Teacher Team Meeting (for Cooperation Churches)

        March 24-27

        Teacher, Elder, Evangelist Teams meeting separately and collectively

        Los Angeles


        Ukrainian Institute of Ministry

        May or September — Dates TBA

        Ministry Staff Training — one course (dates and subjects to be determined)

        Shepherding Training (non-staff) – one course (dates and subjects TBD)

        Kiev Church Leadership Discipling and Training – various sessions

        Kiev, Ukraine

        Los Angeles International Church of Christ

        June 11-12, 18-19

        All-Church Ministry Training

        Subject: To Be Determined



        International Campus Ministry Conferences

        July 4-7

        Teaching Classes on the Book of Revelation         

        San Diego, California or Orlando, Florida

        Teaching Leaders and Churches in Washington, DC Area

        August 10-11

        Washington, DC

        Ukrainian Institute of Ministry

        September — if not May

        Ministry Staff Training – one course (dates and subjects to be determined)

        Shepherding Training (non-staff) – one course (dates and subjects TBD)

        Kiev Church Leadership Discipling and Training – various sessions

        Kiev, Ukraine


        Preaching and Teaching in the Mekong Region

        November (exact dates to be arranged)

        Location: likely in Vietnam  

        Courses for Ministry Track and Shepherding Track – To be determined

        Southwest Leader Retreat

        November 6-7

        Long Beach, California

        Southwest Christian Conference

        November 8-10

        Long Beach, California

        Los Angeles International Church of Christ

        December 3-4, 10-11

        All-Church Ministry Training

        Subject: To Be Determined

 The schedule this year is much less certain than in recent years, due both to my developing role in the Los Angeles church and the uncertainty regarding my teaching in other places until the LA part is fully developed. Therefore, expect this schedule to be altered fairly frequently!

View Q&As

It is the purpose of this column on the web site to provide biblical answers to questions that are difficult, and for that reason, perhaps debatable.  But since they are asked at times by those with questioning minds, they deserve to be addressed.   While my intent is not to be controversial in this column, neither is it to avoid challenging topics.  When different answers are given by brothers who are well-grounded biblically, that should tell us two things:  one, not all biblical subjects are made totally clear in Scripture; and two, since that is the case, we had best avoid dogmatism on such subjects.  Some topics are clarified quite well in the Bible, others have little or nothing mentioned about them (thus remaining a mystery), while still others have only enough mentioned about them to allow us to reach tentative conclusions.  It is the questions falling into that third category that this column will most often address.

Since these questions may require some detail in answering them, new questions and answers will be found at a rate of about twice per month.  Feel free to send in questions that you would like to see answered.  They may or may not find their way into this column, but they will be given due consideration.  May you enjoy the reading and be prompted to dig into Scripture more deeply for yourself!