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Facebook Posts

Responses to my Facebook posts are nothing if not entertaining. I find those who are so definite in evaluating my recent book without having read it particularly entertaining! And also revealing, for you can learn a lot about people from their responses.I appreciate all of those who have hit the “like” button and in so doing, shown some interest and support. I especially appreciate those who have written positive responses, showing that many are in fact open to re-examining their views on complex subjects and many of these are offering great insights.In my recent post, I commended one of the elder couples in my congregation for reading mine and Jeanie Shaw’s books and providing copies for their young adult children. I was particularly encouraged to hear from my old friend, Sherwin Mackintosh, an elder at North River in Atlanta, one of our most respected larger congregations. He said that the elders there were reading it together. I heard from one other leadership group, which includes elders, who are doing the same. Another old friend, Cathy Heaton, wrote to say that she and her husband, Tom, an elder in one of the New England churches, have read both books and encouraged their adult daughter to read them as well. I will close with an excerpt from another old friend’s comment, Nadine Templer, which certainly gives me hope.“I appreciate Gordon and others who are re-examining their lenses. They are many. I have received hundreds if not thousands of messages of support in recent days, many from church leaders and elders. I am glad things are changing.” Happy July 4th and may God bless you! ... See MoreSee Less
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This past Sunday, we were blessed to have one of our newest elder couples, Dave and Tami Ryter, deliver a joint sermon for our services in the East Region of the DFW church. Dave is an American Airlines pilot and Tami is now part-time on the ministry staff, but together they lead a very comprehensive parent training program for all regions of the church, both in person and via Zoom. They have done a wonderful job of parenting their three single daughters, ranging in age from 18-23. Those girls are special!When I was fellowshipping with them before services began, Dave asked how things were going with my new book, to which I replied, “Mostly positive.” He then told me that he and Tami had read my book and bought three additional copies for their daughters and asked them to read it. He said that he and Tami were now reading Jeanie Shaw’s new book and had also purchased copies for their daughters. (Books available from Amazon.)I couldn’t help but wonder how many older leaders in our churches were open to reading books like these two, which will definitely challenge their traditional thinking. I also wondered how many parents of young adult children would ask their children to read the same books. They didn’t say what they agreed or disagreed with in my book, and I didn’t ask. I actually am not concerned about that. However, I am very concerned about older leaders being true disciples – meaning open-minded and continually learning, and very willing to reexamine their views on traditionally held topics. I am most thankful to be a part of a congregation whose leadership is characterized by such hearts! (Please hit the "share" button to encourage leaders by the example of their fellow leaders.) ... See MoreSee Less
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